留遊學新聞 | 11 June, 2020
【英國遊學】Bayswater College - 時尚證書課程
對時尚產業懷抱夢想,或是想進修時尚或品牌管理嗎?Bayswater College的【Fashion Certificate】時尚證書課程,激發您的時尚魂,完成您的時尚夢!
Bayswater College學校介紹
Bayswater College是位於英國的語言學校,地點位於倫敦市中心第一區,學校擁有80多年的教學歷史,也擁有English UK, ALTO等認證。 Bayswater College擁有思想新潮,且具豐富教學經驗的教師,以卓越的教學方法,幫助學生提升自身英語能力。校園於2019年3月全面完成校園更新,想在華人極少的倫敦語言學校學習,Bayswater就是最棒的選擇!
Fashion Certificate時尚證書課程
提供3種時尚證書課程:Fashion Communication 時尚傳播、Fashion Styling 時尚造型、Luxury Brand Management 奢侈品品牌管理
- 課程堂數:每週15堂課 (9堂學術課程,6堂分組專題、講座或校外參訪),共4週。
- 入學門檻:年齡20歲以上、通過學校線上英文檢測(約等同雅思5.5分)
- 完成3門時尚證書課程(Fashion Communication, Fashion Styling, Luxury Brand Management ),學生可取得時尚文憑(Fashion Diploma)。
- 課程大綱:
1. Fashion Communication 時尚傳播
- The History of Fashion Communication 時尚傳播史
- Fashion Communication Pathways 時尚傳播
- Fashion Journalism, PR for Fashion and Creative Interpretations in Fashion 時尚新聞與公關及時尚創意解讀
- How to observe, encourage and communicate your fashion ideas 如何觀察、鼓勵及傳達時尚理念
- Ethics and sustainability 道德及永續性
- Introduction to the creative networks and industry links 網路創意及產業連結
- Looking into the digital and other platforms as ways of communication 數位及其他平台傳播方式
- London Fashion Week and its importance as a fashion communication medium 倫敦時裝週及時尚傳播媒介之重要性
- Future of Fashion Communication 時尚傳播的未來趨勢
2. Fashion Styling 時尚造型
- What is fashion styling? 何謂時尚造型?
- How to become a Stylist 如何成為一名造型師
- Key historical Fashion movements and their current influences 歷史上的時尚運動及當前影響
- Fashion research; how to create mood boards for fashion 時尚研究
- Leading fashion industry professionals and their work 領導時尚產業的專業人士及其工作
- Styling in different work areas [TV/commercial/studio/freelance/personal etc] 不同領域的造型產業[電視/商業/工作室/自由業/個人等等]
- How to prepare for a shoot 如何準備拍攝
- Curating your styling ideas and portfolio 彙整造型創意及作品集
- Create a fashion story and style it 創作時尚故事並為其設計風格
3. Luxury Brand Management 奢侈品品牌管理
- The History of Luxury Brands 奢侈品牌史
- The Fashion Market 時尚市場
- Consumerism and Customer psychology 消費主義及顧客心理學
- Luxury fashion products and audiences 奢侈時尚產品及觀眾
- Business logic and the product development process 商業邏輯與產品開發流程
- What is a luxury brand concept? How to generate luxury 何謂奢侈品牌概念? 奢侈如何產生?
- Creating a new brand concept 創造新的品牌概念
- Applications of luxury marketing in shows and events 活動及展演的奢侈品行銷應用
- Public Relations and social networking 公共關係與社群網路
- Marketing planning 行銷策略
對時尚產業懷抱夢想,或是想進修時尚或品牌管理嗎?Bayswater College的【Fashion Certificate】時尚證書課程,激發您的時尚魂,完成您的時尚夢!
ed:m 致力於提供學生完善的留遊學資訊,並提供免費的留遊學諮詢及留遊學情報手冊 可供索取,讓我們陪伴各位的留遊學生涯吧!